Rabu, 04 Februari 2009

Executing SQL Server Stored Procedure from Perl - TDS protocol

SQL Server uses a typical Client-Server architecture. The SQL Server client is a set of C APIs plus management tools such as iSQL query tool and SQL Server Enterprise Manager. SQL Server Server-Side component is usually a system service, listening to specific TCP ports (Microsoft use 1433, Sybase use 4100 or 5000), and is ready to accept the signal from an SQL Server client at anytime.

The protocol used between an SQL Server client and server is traditionally called the TDS protocol (Tabular Data Stream). Microsoft SQL Server 4.2, 6.0, and 6.5 use the same TDS protocol as Sybase SQL Server 4.2 and 10, which is known as TDS4.2.

From Version 11, Sybase stopped further development of the old set of APIs (we call DB-Library) and started a new set of APIs, known as CT-library. They also redesigned the TDS protocol, which is now known, industry-wide, as TDS 5.0. At the same time, Microsoft chose to stick to DB-Library but enhanced the TDS protocol, which we call TDS 7.0. But, do not think that TDS 7.0 is more advanced than TDS 5.0 or compatible with TDS 5.0. In fact, TDS 7.0 belongs solely to Microsoft SQL Server (we’re better off to call it Microsoft TDS) and TDS 5.0 belongs specifically to Sybase (Sybase TDS).

So, we easily understand that the latest version of Microsoft SQL Server (2000) supports TDS 7.0 and TDS 4.2 (backwards compatibility) and Sybase SQL Server’s latest version 12.5 supports TDS 5.0 and TDS 4.2 (backwards compatibility).

source :http://www.devarticles.com






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